Title: ICT Outsourcing Management Model for Private School Administration
Researcher: Dr. Chadaporn K. Sanguankaew Ed.D Bangkok Thailand
Year of Accomplishment:2010 (March 2009-March 2010)
ICT outsourcing management model for private school administration was the conceptual model that represents a guideline to manage ICT in private school by using ICT outsourcing unit as a partner. Alongside the quality spiral management processes that are developing continuously and flexibly, the school can adopt and adjust the model depending on its own contexts and needs.
This was acknowledged as an innovation of educational management. This school management tool facilitated decision making, and creating awareness to the importance of ICT outsourcing management, which grasps on the development of technologies that responded to the needs of society and appropriately corresponded to the second educational reform.
ICT Outsourcing Management Model for Private School Administration